Diversity and Inclusion Videos

Promote a diverse and inclusive workspace with this collection of DEI videos, shedding light on diversity, anti-bullying, and preventing sexual harassment. Easily duplicate these Diversity Training Videos to your Synthesia account and customize them to your organization's needs.

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Frequently asked questions

What type of diversity training is most effective?

Diversity training videos have shown to be extremely effective in fostering a more inclusive work environment. These videos allow for visual storytelling and relatable scenarios, helping employees better understand and empathize with diverse perspectives. When paired with interactive elements and discussions, diversity training videos can contribute to meaningful behavioral change and a more inclusive company culture.

What should be in diversity training?

Diversity training should cover a broad range of topics, including understanding bias, fostering respect for different cultures, races, genders, and sexual orientations, and promoting inclusive behaviors and communication. The training should also provide strategies for conflict resolution in diverse teams and emphasize the value of diversity in fostering innovation and performance. Including real-life scenarios and case studies can make the training more relatable and impactful.