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Hello, I'm Mia Thompson from ConnectPro Solutions. Today's training session will guide you on how to efficiently add new participants to an ongoing call - a crucial skill in our fast-paced telecommunications environment.

Let’s start with setting up a call.

Tom (Support Agent): "Before starting the call, I always ensure I have quick access to the 'add participant' feature. It's crucial for seamless inclusion of new attendees."

"Now, let’s see how to add participants during a live call."

Tom: "We have an ongoing call here. To add a new participant, I click on the ‘add person’ icon and enter their contact info."

Sarah (Team Member): "Tom, we need to add our supervisor, Mr. Blake, to this call."

Tom: "No problem, Sarah. I’m adding him now."

Occasionally, you might encounter issues.

Tom: "If the participant didn’t receive the invite, always check if you’ve entered the correct contact details. For immediate assistance, you can also send them a direct call link through a secure message."

This session covered the essentials of adding participants to a call. The key is to be familiar with your call interface and handle additions smoothly without interrupting the flow of the meeting. As customer support representatives, your ability to manage calls effectively directly impacts our client satisfaction. Thank you for participating in today's training. Keep up the excellent work in providing seamless support to our clients.


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