
Corporate Video Template

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Add an extra layer of creativity by using AI video presenters to narrate your corporate video. Translate, download, and stream your video with ease.

How to use this corporate video template

Corporate video templates allow you to create professional business videos with no video making experience and no cameras. Here's how it's done.

Step 1: Open the video template in Synthesia

‍Click the ‘Use in Synthesia’ button to open the template in the video editor.

Step 2: Add text

Paste your corporate video script into the script box slide by slide, and choose a language and voice. Your text will be transformed into a text-to-speech voiceover in seconds.

Step 3: Customize video

Adjust the template to fit your business - change the avatar, background, on-screen text animations, logos, colors, images, videos, and more.

Step 4: Generate video

Click on ‘Generate video’ and your new corporate video is complete!

Explore Other Templates

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a corporate presentation?

A corporate presentation is an essential communication method used by companies to convey and present important information about the business. The topics of corporate slides vary, and can be used to inform stakeholders about:

  • business plans
  • marketing strategy
  • brand guide and vision
  • new team structure and colleagues
  • company updates
  • market trends and competitors

In essence, anything you need to tell your internal or external stakeholders about your company can be featured in modern presentation decks. For this, you can use a PowerPoint template, Google Slides, or an online video presentation tool like Synthesia.

What should a corporate presentation include?

The type of information you include in corporate presentations depends on its purpose. Slides for business presentations will differ from a PowerPoint team update, both in their formality and content.

However, it's good practice to always include the following elements in your PowerPoint slides:

  1. Professional design in line with your branding guidelines
  2. High-quality images and video
  3. Company logo
  4. Graphics to visualize data

How do I start a corporate presentation?

An introduction can make or break a presentation. Set the right tone for your presentation with the first slide with one of the following introduction techniques:

  1. Ask a thought-provoking question to spark a conversation
  2. Tell a story that relates to the topic of your slide deck
  3. Show striking images to help the audience visualize what you're presenting
  4. Prepare a joke, if it fits the context
  5. Show an example or a hypothetical problem

Think of an introduction not only as the first slide of your PowerPoint but also as a way to urge your audience to pay attention.

How do you give a good corporate presentation?

What sets a mediocre company presentation apart from an amazing one is how you deliver it.

The most professional, elegant, and well-designed template will not have the intended impact on the audience if the delivery method is lackluster.

Here are some things you should consider doing next time you're presenting:

  • Make the first impression count. Read our tips above on starting a presentation.
  • Replace a speaker with an AI presenter. If you, like many others, don't feel comfortable speaking in front of an audience, create a digital version of yourself to do the job! With a tool like Synthesia, you can transform a PowerPoint presentation into a video with a custom AI avatar by simply typing in text.
  • Ditch your PowerPoint template or Google Slides. There are many creative online tools for making presentations, which include a professional collection of pre-designed templates. Explore and find the one you like best!
  • Come prepared. Make sure you know the content of each slide and have ideas of what you want to say.

To summarize, the key to giving good company presentations involves a combination of well-designed and well-structured slide decks and a good delivery method.

How long should corporate videos be?

There's no easy answer when it comes to how long corporate videos should be.

It all depends on the purpose of the video and the audience you're trying to reach. For example, a training video for new employees might be shorter and more focused than a marketing video designed to attract new customers.

In general, it's a good idea to keep corporate video as concise as possible while still delivering the key information you want to communicate. That way, viewers will be more likely to watch the entire video and retain the information.

How do I make a corporate video?

You can create any corporate video, such as an explainer video or promo video, by using a corporate video maker and professionally-designed corporate video templates.