
Sales Deck Template

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How to use this sales deck template

Here's how you can use this sales deck template to create a stunning personalized sales presentation in minutes.

1. Press the 'Use in Synthesia' button

This button will take you right into Synthesia's template section.

2. Click on 'Create video'

To edit this sales deck template, simply click on 'Create video'.

Otherwise, if you wish to browse other sales deck templates, simply scroll through the template page to find a template you like best.

3. Edit the template

In Synthesia's video editing canvas, edit the template to fit your sales pitch perfectly.

Edit the slides, colors, logos, typography, images, videos, and more.

The best part is that you can easily create a narration in 130+ languages by simply typing your sales pitch in the script box. Synthesia will generate an AI voiceover, so you don't even have to be present at the sales pitch.

On top of that, you can choose from 140+ human-like AI avatars to act as narrators for your sales pitch.

4. Generate video

Your sales pitch deck is complete.

Press on 'Generate video', wait a few minutes, and your sales pitch deck video is ready to be used.

Use it for sales presentations, send the video to your prospects, or share the free sales deck template with other sales reps.

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Got questions about sales decks? Find the answers here 👇

What is a sales deck?

Simply put, a sales pitch deck is a presentation that salespeople use to pitch products or services to potential clients.

A sales deck usually contains slides with information about the company, its products or services, and how these can benefit the potential client.

Sales decks are often used in face-to-face sales meetings, but they can also be sent electronically in advance of a meeting or used in group presentations.

An effective sales pitch deck should be clear, concise, and persuasive, providing the audience with all the information they need to make a decision.

What should a sales deck include?

A great sales deck should always include a value proposition. This is a brief statement that clearly articulates what your product or service offers and how it benefits the customer. It should be included early on in the deck so that the customer understands what they will be getting if they purchase from you.

In addition to the proposition, best sales decks should also include images, charts, and data to support your claims. This will help to engage the customer and keep their attention focused on your presentation.

Beyond that, every sales deck is different, since it needs to be tailored to the specific product or service being sold. However, there are a few other elements that are often included in successful sales decks. These can include an overview of the market opportunity, an explanation of the problem that your product or service solves, information about your target customers, social proof, and a demo of your product or service in action.

How long should a sales deck be?

When it comes to sales decks, there's no hard and fast rule about how long they should be. It really depends on the situation and what you're trying to accomplish.

If you're giving a sales pitch to prospects, for example, you'll want to make sure you have enough time to cover all of the key points and convince them to do business with you.

On the other hand, if you're presenting to a group of investors who are already familiar with your product or service, you may not need to go into as much detail.

The important thing is to strike the right balance between being too brief and going on for too long. In general, a sales pitch deck should be long enough to give the audience the information they need without boring them.

How many slides should be in a sales deck?

When it comes to slides, less is usually more. After all, you don't want your audience falling asleep before you even get to the good stuff.

Ideally, your sales deck should be around 10-20 slides. This gives you enough room to cover all the essential information without bogging down your presentation with too many details. Plus, shorter presentations are more likely to hold your audience's attention from beginning to end.

So when you're putting together your next sales deck, remember: less is definitely more.

How do you structure a sales deck?

To structure a sales deck, salespeople should start with an introduction to themselves and the company. Next, they should explain what they are selling and why the customer needs it. Finally, they should provide information about how to purchase the product or service. By following this structure, salespeople can make sales decks that are clear, concise, and effective.