Leadership Training Videos

The best way to help your employees progress into leadership roles? Customized Leadership Training Videos! Train your team in active listening, collaboration, and coaching skills. Easily duplicate these videos to your Synthesia account, customize them to meet your team's needs, and share them freely.

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Looking for more training videos?

Here are some other topics you might find useful.

Frequently asked questions

What are good leadership training topics?

Good leadership training topics often include areas such as effective communication, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, decision-making, strategic thinking, and team motivation. Other important areas include developing a leadership style, fostering diversity and inclusion, and building coaching relationships. These topics can help leaders enhance their skills and contribute positively to organizational culture and performance.

What are examples of leadership training?

Leadership training can take various forms including workshops, seminars, webinars, coaching sessions, or online videos. Examples may include a seminar on emotional intelligence for leaders, a workshop on conflict resolution techniques, a training video on strategic decision making, or a coaching session focusing on personal leadership style. All these forms aim to provide leaders with the skills and knowledge necessary to lead teams and organizations effectively.

What are the 5 C's of effective leadership?

The 5 C's of effective leadership are commonly considered to be:

  1. Courage
  2. Competence
  3. Confidence
  4. Communication
  5. Compassion.

Courage refers to the ability to take risks and make difficult decisions. Competence involves having the necessary skills and knowledge to lead effectively. Confidence allows a leader to gain the trust of their team. Communication is crucial for transmitting vision, expectations, and feedback. Lastly, Compassion involves empathy and understanding towards team members, fostering a supportive and inclusive environment.