
In this course, master the Challenger Sales Model - a sales strategy focused on taking control, tailoring to customer needs, and teaching them something new to stand out in a competitive market. Learn the key concepts and how to successfully apply this method for improved sales skills.

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Hey there! My name is Ethan and I’m a certified Sales Trainer, with over 10 years of experience teaching sales methodologies to thousands of people and organizations.

In this short course I want to help you adopt this sales technique and make you a successful sales representative. Let’s dive in!

As a junior sales representative, you'll be facing a lot of competition and it's important to have a unique approach to stand out in the market. This sales model can help you to do just that.

The Challenger Sales Model is a sales strategy that focuses on taking control of the sales process, tailoring your approach to the specific needs of the customer, and teaching them something new. This helps you to build a stronger relationship with the customer, navigate objections, and close more deals.

By the end of this course you will understand the key concepts of the Challenger Sales Model, see how it works in practice, and how you can successfully apply it in your day to day work.

Next, we'll dive a bit deeper into the methodology and define it in more detail.