7 Best Sales Training Videos for High-Performing Teams

Written by
Kevin Alster
Published on
June 26, 2024
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Sales training videos are great instruments for helping your team close more sales, but it's not always easy to know where to start.

Even if you know what to do, what if you don't have the time to write a script and create videos?

In this blog post, we'll fuel your inspiration with:

  • 7 examples of the best sales training videos out there. 
  • Tips and steps to quickly create sales training videos that genuinely motivate your team, even if you have no equipment or experience.

Keep reading to find out how to turn your sales reps into sales professionals who crush their quotas.

What is a sales training video?

A sales training video is an instructional tool designed to teach, improve, or refine sales skills and techniques.

Sales training content is part of a complex training program. It can range from basic selling principles to advanced direct sales advice. And it may serve anyone in the sales industry, from companies and organizations looking to educate their sales force to individuals looking to improve their sales capabilities. 

Are you looking to onboard some rookies on a sales career? Or perhaps to upskill an existing team? Whatever the case, structure your training modules to cover the entire sales methodology. Make sure you check the following sales training topics:

Sales training topics
Sales training video themes Sales training video topics
Basic sales techniques
  • Prospecting techniques
  • Building rapport techniques
  • Handling objections techniques
  • Closing techniques
  • Follow-up techniques
Sales preparation & presentation
  • How to prepare for effective sales calls
  • Pitch ideas
  • Presentation skills
  • Product knowledge
Client interaction
  • Understanding customer needs
  • Win over new clients
  • Ethical selling practices
  • Cultural sensitivity in sales
Sales tools & technology
  • Using CRM tools
  • Digital sales and social selling
Sales strategies
  • Cross-selling and upselling
  • Sales negotiation skills
  • Pricing strategies
  • Competitive analysis
Professional development
  • Time management for salespeople
  • Overcoming sales burnout

Why are sales training videos so effective?

Sales training can be a tricky thing.

You want sales reps to be knowledgeable of the sales process and able to sell your product or service. But you also don't want to bore them to death or overwhelm them with too much information. Then, not everything you have to teach is an exciting, stunningly unused sales technique.

That's where sales training videos come in as progressive strategies that are:

  1. More effective than text-based training, potentially boosting retention by 85%.
  2. Easier to customize to sales rep's needs, especially when created with AI.
  3. Easier to watch and rewatch, providing feedback more quickly than text-based training.
  4. More likely to help salespeople learn effectively and become more successful in their roles.

Did you know? 🤔

When reading a text message, people remember only 10% compared to 95% of a video message. Up to 80% of viewers can recall a video they watched in the past month, which is hardly the case with remembering texts they read.

7 best sales training videos

Videos are an excellent way to teach your sales team effective techniques. The following videos cover tried and tested techniques that'll help get you on that hockey-stick growth trajectory 📈.

1. The Challenger Sales Model

The Challenger Sales Model - Lesson 1

The challenger model is a strategy to help your team control the sales process with the customer in mind.

Any YouTube channel on sales will mention this advanced prospecting technique, but this particular video does a lot more. It's part of a sales training program with 5 micro sales videos of around 2 minutes each. And it offers valuable insights from a certified sales trainer.

Starting with definitions and moving on to key concepts, the video ends with a practical application, a recap to reinforce learning, and further learning resources. It leaves nothing to chance and makes an excellent introduction for new sales reps.

What makes this video stand out:

  • Succinct script packed with more immediately actionable sales tips than you'll find on generic YouTube videos.
  • Smooth and palatable layout and delivery, with information broken down into easy-to-understand bits. 
  • Simple text-on-screen visuals and transitions support information retention.

2. Effective sales call preparation

(AI Video Template) Effective Sales Call Preparation

Call preparation is critical in any sales context, not just for cold calling. So, here's a simple but powerful "best practices" video on adequately preparing for a sales call and building a sales cycle.

Smart calling is quite different from regular sales calling. It's about relationship building before you even pick up the phone. Through this training, your team will learn the simple but effective ways to confidently make new sales from a customer via call while being attentive to their needs. 

What makes this video stand out:

  • Strong start with a friendly face that gives a personal touch and establishes credibility. 
  • Concise and clear structure with simple messages that enhance clarity and understanding.
  • Simple delivery puts content at the center, with nothing distracting about the presenter or the visuals.

3. Increasing response rates

Increasing response rates

Response rates are metrics that show the effectiveness of sales approaches and techniques.

This video aims to improve your team's sales productivity, even with cold calling. And it does so by training sales reps on why they may have low response rates and what to do about it, providing practical tips on increasing response rates. 

What makes this video stand out:

  • Relies on a problem-solution framework, introducing a relatable scenario and clear key concepts that make sense for the audience.
  • Ends with a powerful conclusion, reiterating the importance of response rates and offering a final word of motivation.
  • Visuals of a generic email and a personalized one reinforce the learning concepts and make the lesson all the more relevant.

4. Handling objections

(Template/Example) Handling Sales Objections

Every sales strategy involves handling objections at some point.

It would be frustrating to have a sales rep reply "okay" whenever a customer objects to buying the company's product or service. So, this video is packed with helpful nuggets and expert tips that empower a salesperson to deal with objections the smart way.

What makes this video stand out:

  • Punchy script ensures the video is engaging and clear, with easy-to-understand key points.
  • Relatable scenario grounds the subsequent advice in a real-world context, making the info easier to apply.
  • Friendly and approachable presenter appears from different angles and moves on the screen, coming closer to emphasize the key points.

5. Negotiation and influence

Negotiation and influence - Lesson 2

Most salespeople could use a negotiation ace up their sleeve.

Here, sales trainees are taught how to unpack the layers of negotiation and influence a customer's decision-making process. Come to think, that's a critical topic for those looking to become sales professionals.

Starting with the strong premise of any sales hunter — "preparation is key" — the video highlights the importance of the topic and how it's broken down into clear, sequential steps.

The entire script promotes a mature perspective on negotiations, and the conclusion is a gem, reminding viewers that negotiations are about collaboration, not competition.

What makes this video stand out:

  • Robust script lays out a successful roadmap for preparing negotiations with clear steps and promoting empathy and proactive thinking.
  • Discrete presence of the presenter, mainly in the beginning and at the end of the video, lets the viewers focus on what's being taught.
  • Simple visuals and transitions combine color, words, and simple geometrical forms to illustrate the content.

6. Sales enablement training

Example: Sales enablement training video

You can't sell what you don't know. Successful selling and driving revenue growth require a solid understanding of what you're offering, and that's what this training is meant to help with.

Watch the example that introduces learners to how to sell headphones, and feel free to tweak the template for whatever products or services you want to train your new salespeople on. It's sales simplified at your fingertips.

What makes this video stand out:

  • Professional tone and template design convey the company's professionalism and the topic's importance. 
  • Clearly defined objectives set expectations and prime viewers to pay attention.
  • Visuals perfectly complement the topic of selling headphones and the introductory purpose of this first lesson in a series.

7. Product sell sheet

Product Sell Sheet (AI Video Template)

Here's a quick dive into product sell sheets, a video that educates professionals on the need for a product sell sheet and how to create one.

Based on the SafeX product, the training excels in clear communication and emphasizes benefits over mere features. Real-world examples enhance its credibility, while its engagement strategies equip sales reps to effectively convey the value that SafeX can provide.

What makes this video stand out:

  • Thorough content wrapped in a simple enough delivery shares so much information in less than 3 minutes.
  • Text-on-screen makes the information easy to follow, keeping up with a smooth pacing.
  • Design and voiceover are simple and straightforward enough to support the narration instead of overshadowing it.

7 tips for an outstanding sales video training

Successful sales training programs rely on outstanding videos. Here are some general best practices that will get you there.

1. Keep your sales training videos short

Quantitative research in an MIT study analyzing 6.9 million educational videos concluded that videos under 6 minutes in length get the most engagement.

So, here's some science-backed practical advice: If your topic doesn't fit into a short video, consider breaking it into shorter, under 3-minute micro videos.

Case study 📚

Zoom accelerated training video production by 90% and cut costs by up to $1,500 per employee. All while creating 200+ micro sales videos with Synthesia. 
Daye Collier, Senior Instructional Designer at Zoom, says, "Subject matter experts and IDs can spend an entire day recording, and the final output is only about 15 minutes of actual video." But using Synthesia, "SMEs no longer need to record themselves, allowing them to focus on their primary responsibilities. IDs can create high-quality training content in less time."

2. Focus on one topic per video

Psychology research proves through Miller's Law that the information presented in short chunks, targeting one objective without competing stimuli, is more likely to be remembered.

Whether addressing experienced or new salespeople, take the microlearning approach with your sales training. Focus on delivering bite-sized video content that dissects one topic rather than cramming all possible sales topics into one lengthy video.

3. Get to the point

Sales experts don't waste time with lengthy introductions or unnecessary details. You should do the same in your video script. Tell your viewers what they need to know and get to the heart of the matter.

This will also help keep your video short.

4. Make it engaging

A 2017 study by the Nielsen Norman Group concluded that featuring a talking head alone in a video is not as engaging as varying the visuals.

To help your audience acquire new skills from watching your videos, switch up the visuals on the screen every few sentences. You'll avoid boring them and help them follow along.

Change up the angle of the instructor, add background elements, text on screen, or images to visually break up the video training.

5. Provide value

Providing value is key in the sales world. Your sales training should offer something of value to your sales representatives; otherwise, it will be seen as a waste of time.

Make sure the information is helpful to your sales team — whether it's tips, new information, new sales processes or techniques, or simply inspiration.

6. Personalize content

Sales psychology recommends smart calling for high-profit selling.

The same applies to selling your audience on watching your video until the end. Personalizing the video content proves you've done your homework and know what's relevant to your audience. And since paying attention to what's relevant to you is natural human behavior, personalized videos will get more engagement.

Divide your sales team based on roles, regions, products they sell, and whether they're experienced or new salespeople. Then, provide training tailored to all these aspects where you incorporate adaptive learning paths, real-life scenarios, and interactivity.

7. Speed up with AI

When it comes to video creation, modern strategies based on AI tools will drastically reduce production time and give you more leverage for business development.

Whether you're looking to create adaptive content, update your training videos with a few clicks, keep a consistent narration, or change the script without re-recording, AI can give you a handy shortcut. And your sales leaders can quickly learn how to use it to create valuable in-house video training.

Case study 📚

Modern Canada's video creation went from weeks to hours since they started using the AI video maker Synthesia. With 100+ videos created in six months, the Canadian leader in commercial cleaning created videos 90% faster and with $6,000+ savings per video.
Marc Gélineau, their Director of Operational Excellence, says, "Synthesia is so easy to use. If you really put your energy into it, within 2 hours, you could have something that's very decent to present to someone. This is one of the things I love about Synthesia right there."

How to make your own high-quality sales training videos

Making sales videos the traditional way can be lengthy and expensive. Cameras, videographers, actors, and microphones add up to roughly $2,000 for a short clip.

Online video tools are a great alternative to working with traditional big companies. Especially if you don't have a generous budget for video training, AI video makers are the solution. 🤖

To walk you through the process of creating training videos, we'll use an AI video maker called Synthesia, which allows you to create videos with realistic AI avatars from text.

Tip 💡

The 7 best training videos from above were created with Synthesia, and you can easily duplicate and customize them for your sales teams. Look for the "duplicate now" button to begin creating your training videos, or create one from scratch using the 5 steps outlined below👇.

Step 1: Write an engaging video script

You only have a few minutes to capture your audience's attention and communicate your message. An engaging script is essential to a successful sales pitch; the same applies to training videos.

To write your own script, think about what you want to say and focus on the message you want to get across. Make it like a sales presentation.

Alternatively, Synthesia can generate your script automatically. Check out this guide to discover the minimal information you need to provide if you want Synthesia to write you a script and break it down into scenes.

Step 2: Choose a sales training template

If you don't want to spend a lot of time tinkering with your training videos, start by using video templates designed specifically for sales training.

They provide a solid visual and structural base for your video, allowing you to tweak certain elements to fit your message.

You can, of course, start with a blank canvas if you have a specific design in mind — the choice is yours.


Step 3: Paste the script and choose an AI voice

This is where the AI part of the tool comes in.

Paste your script into the script box slide by slide, and Synthesia will generate an AI voiceover in seconds.

You can paste text in more than 120 languages and choose from 400 voice options and accents.

So, if your sales team is international or you have sales representatives scattered all over the globe, you can create videos tailored to them in their native language.


Step 4: Personalize the video

You should have a video with a solid structural and content foundation at this point, but it's lacking a bit of oomph. ✨

Even if you started with a video template, take a bit of time and customize it for your sales team using your brand colors, logos, and images.

Here are some of the elements you can add to your training videos in Synthesia:

  • 140+ AI presenters
  • Stock or own images and videos
  • Screen recordings
  • Text on screen
  • Shapes, shadows, icons, GIFs
  • Audio


Step 5: Generate your training video

Your video training is now complete.

Once generated, you can share it with your audience as a link or upload/embed the video in the LMS/LXP you normally use for training videos.


Create sales training videos in minutes with AI

Ready to create engaging training videos for sales development and sales management?

Create a free AI video to test out Synthesia for yourself.

Or read our case study of how Xerox trained 1000+ sales reps, improved sales performance, and got more business while cutting production time by 30% and costs by 50% per video.


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