Dixa Customer Video Training Hub

Tue Søttrup
VP CX Excellence

Based in Denmark, Dixa is an omnichannel customer service software that provides the best experience for both agents and customers. Dixa serves modern brands such as Honest, Interflora or Too Good To Go and has raised more than $155 million to date.

Mid-Market: 100 - 1k

Key Results:


training videos created – in a year.


the time it takes to create AI videos compared to traditional voice-over videos.


Course completion rate

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We spoke with Tue Søttrup, Chief CX Evangelist at Dixa. Tue and his team used Synthesia to streamline the video creation process for their client onboarding training platform, Dixa Academy - a place where all customers and agents can quickly learn and adopt the platform's key features.

The challenge

The onboarding experience is a critical part of any B2B SaaS customer journey, and this is no exception for Dixa. The team dreamed of fully video-based onboarding and training materials, as this is becoming increasingly popular in the learning industry.

However, video has some limitations - especially in its production:

  • Lack of speed: The creation of a video would take 30 days and more, taking into account changes.
  • Flexibility: it would be nearly impossible to update the videos once created, and it would require additional time and resources to recreate the videos.
  • Scaleability: Without a big budget, it's almost impossible to scale video production.
  • Cost: Video production isn't cheap. It requires investment in actors, film equipment, a studio or outsourcing to costly third-party vendors.

It didn't take the Dixa team long to find a solution in Synthesia which makes it possible to create video at scale.

The solution

Today, Dixa’s Academy team is able to create many more videos in a shorter timeframe.

This is how they create onboarding videos in minutes:

  1. They create bit-sized scripts.
  2. They insert them into Synthesia's script box.
  3. They choose one of Synthesia's 80+ Avatars.
  4. They add images, screen recordings and copy to Synthesia’s in-built slides.
  5. Generate the video - and done!

Watch this example of how Dixa is using AI video to educate customers:

Here are the main new benefits of using Synthesia:

  • AI Avatars & Voices: The 80+ diverse stock AI Avatars and 65+ AI voices provide an easy way to create engaging, relatable video content without having to hire actors or record voiceovers.
  • Flexibility: once created, a video can be easily updated at any time, without having to start from the beginning.
  • Ease of use: The platform is easy to use and includes all the necessary video editing features to create high-quality training videos without the need for additional tools.
  • Cost: Compared to hiring voice-over actors or agencies, Synthesia is cost-efficient, flexible and scalable.
It is very easy and intuitive to use and there is a short time to value.- Tue Søttrup, VP CX Excellence

The results

Looking back after a year of building Dixa Academy to a learning library with +20 courses and over 75 AI videos, Tue can draw the following conclusions:

Time savings: Instead of doing voice-over recordings and synching audio with visuals, Tue and the team save 1/3 of the time that would be spent on creating videos the old-school way.

Scalability: The team can now create 4-5 short videos (<3 min) in only one day.

Engaging learning content: Since the start of the Academy, over 1,800 learners are enrolled, of which over 95% completed the courses.

And that's not the end of the line.

Tue and his team have already begun using academy content for sales enablement and created videos for internal product launches.

Tue believes AI videos can be used for much more than improving Dixa's onboarding experience.

Synthesia can be used for sales (on the website and in personal videos), demo confirmations, product onboarding, in customer success, product releases, Christmas cards, and many more things we have not thought of yet. - Tue Søttrup, VP CX Excellence