How Persado creates sales training videos 95% faster

Claire Boger
Senior Director Customer Training & Enablement

Persado is a customer engagement platform headquartered in New York, offering AI-generated language to drive engagement and conversions across various channels. Persado works with brands such as Dropbox, JPMorgan Chase, Marks & Spencer and Verizon.

Mid-Market: 100 - 1k

Key Results:


Time savings


Videos in a year


courses populated

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We spoke with Claire Boger, Senior Director of Customer Training and Enablement at Persado, who uses Synthesia to create training content for a global sales force.

The Challenge

Claire is an expert in automating the creation of training content at scale. One of her projects is to optimize the learning experience of Persado’s global sales force by equipping them with the necessary skills to deliver the perfect pitch.

Persado has mainly relied on video conference sessions for reps to practice different scenarios. Although this format works well, it is difficult to scale:

  • Time-consuming: Each session can often last up to 90 minutes. Some reps require less training than others and could spend their time more efficiently on selling.
  • Difficult to schedule: As Persado's sales team is spread around the world, it is difficult to find a time where everyone is available.
  • Too long for on-demand: Reps often leave video recordings unwatched in their inboxes, or it takes them a long time to find the specific section they are looking for.
Sales training comes with a certain sense of urgency. You got to get out there or somebody else will. You need to go fast, and Synthesia enables me to do that. - Claire Boger, Senior Director of Customer Training and Enablement

The Solution

Claire and her team can now deliver training content more efficiently using Synthesia. Subject matter experts create a script that Claire uploads to Synthesia. Then, she selects an avatar, adds content to each scene, and uploads the finished product to her LMS.

Sales representatives can now access bite-sized videos for quick and convenient learning, regardless of their time zone.

Here's what the Persado team values most:

  • Ease of use: Compared to other video editing tools, Synthesia is the easiest to learn and work with.
  • Constant improvements: Frequent updates to avatars and the platform reduce the time spent editing videos while improving video quality.
  • Custom templates: Templates help jumpstart the process of creating training videos at scale, quickly.
With Synthesia, I can do an entire course in a little less than a week. - Claire Boger, Senior Director of Customer Training and Enablement

The Results

The Persado team achieved remarkable results with Synthesia:

  • Time savings: The team reduced video production time from two weeks to four hours, a 95% decrease in time.
  • Video at scale: The team created over 120 training videos and populated them in more than 40 courses in a year.
  • Quick to update: Over 100 videos were updated in less than a month for a product update!
Synthesia gives personality to training. The avatars create affinity and engagement, which resonates well with the sales team. - Claire Boger, Senior Director of Customer Training and Enablement

Claire plans to use AI video to optimize training by creating sales scenario videos. Reps will be presented with an avatar that has a particular objection and will record a response for evaluation by the sales team.