50 Best AI Software For All Use Cases (With Examples)

Written by
Ema Lukan
Published on
June 26, 2024
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After evaluating over 200 AI software options (yup, it’s literally my job), I've compiled the following list to feature only the best ones. 

  • It categorizes AI software based on specific use cases.
  • It includes user testimonials from unbiased sources.
  • It provides concise and value-focused descriptions.

So - whether you're exploring AI software in your free time or seeking a specific solution for work, rest assured that this post has you covered.

What do we mean by artificial intelligence (AI) software? 🤖

AI software refers to computer programs leveraging artificial intelligence techniques to perform tasks and simulate human intelligence, enabling content generation, data analysis, prediction, process automation, and decision-making with minimal human intervention.

From campaign planners and customer support chatbots to cutting-edge AI software for coding, cybersecurity, and talent management, here’s my crème de la crème. 👇 

Best AI software for customer support

One of the areas artificial intelligence can greatly benefit is customer support. 

Various AI software is already transforming how businesses engage and assist their valued customers. 

From tireless virtual assistants to predictive analytics that anticipate needs – here are some examples:

#1 ChatBot 

ChatBot is an AI-powered customer support solution that streamlines processes and enhances customer service. Leveraging large language models, it offers consistent support across multiple channels (and in multiple languages 🌎), enabling customers to resolve issues at their convenience. It also offers features like visual explanationas and interactive forms to make the user experience even smoother. 

💬 “ChatBot is helpful in customer engagement by delivering multiple sessions for the clients, eliminating the high front-end desk job. It is being adopted to become the voice of business and deliver high customer satisfaction.” Khushboo S. on G2 

#2 Conversica 

Conversica, an AI chatbot, enhances customer support with improved user experience and interactions.

Conversica is an AI software designed to empower customer success teams and enhance the customer experience. Its Revenue Digital Assistants leverage AI to autonomously take action, engage in meaningful conversations, and drive insights. It’s being used by some big brands and can be integrated with existing tools, allowing for easy connectivity and maximizing efficiency. 

💬 “Conversica serves as a follow up agent for us, as an agent we can always rely on being at work. The AI allows us to reach customers we don't always get to depending on the time of day.” Chelsea M. on G2 

#3 Tidio 

Tidio is an artificial intelligence software for customer support, offering real-time chat, personalized recommendations, and automation for repetitive tasks. It’s ideal for small and medium-sized businesses as it saves time, solves problems, and helps businesses grow in a user-friendly way. 

💬 “Tidio is helping businesses improve customer communication and service by providing a streamlined interface that's easy to use. The notifications, bots integration and other customization options allow companies to tailor the platform to their specific needs. This helps provide customers with more efficient support, as well as gives businesses better insights into how they can improve their services.” John M. on G2

#4 HubSpot Live Chat 

HubSpot Live Chat is an AI software designed for customer support. It efficiently directs leads and customers to the appropriate team member, ensuring a seamless experience. By utilizing chat automation, it delivers quick responses to frequently asked questions, whenever and wherever they may arise. You can also customize the widget to align with your brand's aesthetics and create personalized welcome messages for specific web pages or audience segments.

“Hubspot CRM is the easiest CRM I have ever used - even someone with below-average knowledge can use Hubspot easily with proper training. Also, there are a lot of integrations available like WordPress integration which is very useful for small businesses.” Avash on Software Advice

Best AI software for sales

Sales teams engage in various business processes and activities every day, such as prospecting, lead generation, customer outreach, relationship building, sales presentations, negotiations, and closing deals.

These processes used to be manual, but recently, different AI software can help perform these tasks faster and more effectively. 

#5 Tome 

Tome is an AI software designed to simplify presentation creation. With a simple prompt input, it generates captivating slides from product presentations, sales pitch decks, training presentations, client proposals, and other content. 

💬 “Love!!! Super intuitive drag and drop, sleek design, and a huge time saver with Figma embed. An added bonus of responsive design - finally no more squinting and pinching and re-positioning.” Candice Davis on ProductHunt

#6 Humanlinker 

HumanLinker helps sales teams personalize interactions and increase meeting bookings. It offers AI-generated ice breakers based on prospects' LinkedIn activity and descriptions, enabling more effective and tailored engagement. 

💬 “HumanLinker's AI-powered icebreakers help me personalize my outreach to prospects. The icebreakers are generated based on the prospect's LinkedIn profile, company, and interests. This helps me to connect with prospects on a more personal level and increase open and response rates.” G2 review

#7 Pipedrive 

Pipedrive is a widely used customer relationship management (CRM) tool designed for sales teams. It offers a user-friendly interface and efficient features that prioritize usability. With Pipedrive, sales teams can minimize the time spent on administrative tasks and focus more on selling by utilizing this robust CRM software.

💬 “We mainly use Pipedrive for CRM and Sales Analytics. As a sales team, we do prospecting, find and qualify leads and turn those leads into a deal after a series of Discovery Calls etc. To be able to create and track all these leads and deals, we use Pipedrive from the first point of contact to the end of our sales process.” Brendan K. on G2

#8 Second Nature AI 

Second Nature was designed specifically for sales training. With its natural conversation capabilities that mimic human behavior, users can practice various types of conversations using the software. Featuring Jenny, an AI sales trainer, Second Nature offers personalized feedback and an immersive learning experience. Users can use built-in avatars or create their own avatar for their learners.

💬 “Sometimes when doing role plays with real people you feel judged and that isn't the case with this. You can more or less just be yourself like you would on a normal call.” Jason L. on G2

‍Best AI software for marketing

The nature of marketing has changed – we're entering the era of niche, targeted, and multichannel marketing campaigns, and it requires new analytical skills and, honestly, tons of content.

Here are some practical applications of AI in marketing, unlocking new levels of content creation, data-driven decision-making, and campaign success:

#9 Jasper Campaigns 

Jasper Campaigns utilizes generative AI to create marketing campaigns with minimal human input, generating copy for various channels from a single brief.

Jasper is one of the most well-known AI text generators out there, and they have recently introduced a very cool feature for all marketers: Jasper Campaigns. It helps users create campaigns with a single brief. The AI then generates diverse assets, including emails, case studies, Facebook and Google ads, and press releases in their brand tone and voice.

💬 “Jasper is the answer to a specific issue I have had for years, cutting down the time it takes me to produce content by as many as 16 hours each week. I don't feel anxious when tasked with writing a blog anymore because Jasper smoothes out that process completely!” India G. on G2 

#10 SurferSEO 

Surfer SEO is a widely used SEO tool that has recently incorporated new AI capabilities into its product. By leveraging search engine results pages (SERP) analysis, natural language processing (NLP), and generative AI models, Surfer AI can generate SEO-optimized articles that require minimal editing.

💬 “Helping me make ultra-optimized long-form content in a matter of minutes rather than hours and days. It is making the job of creating content a breeze. It is saving hours and hours if not days of work and hard effort.” Jon J. on G2  

#11 forms.app 

forms.app is an AI-powered form generator that brings convenience and speed to the process of creating engaging forms. Users can simply enter their prompt and witness the AI in action, generating a fully functional form within seconds. The virtual assistant allows users to also customize the form with various elements such as colors, images, and custom questions.

💬 “I'm just starting out creating online courses and the course surveys I'm creating with this app and sending out to past students are really helping me to improve my courses for future students!” Ganesha C. on G2

#12 Adzooma 

Adzooma is a comprehensive online marketing platform that empowers users to efficiently manage local listings, reviews, SEO, website optimization, paid ads, and marketing reports from a single platform. By leveraging AI technology, Adzooma enhances automation capabilities, enabling users to reduce their workload and achieve faster results in their marketing efforts.

💬 “My first problem was to monitor my campaign manually to optimize and make sure I know what is working and what is not working so that I don't lose money. And more importantly save time to focus on other things.” Johnny M. on G2

Best AI software for finance teams

Finance teams handle a wide range of responsibilities, from accounting and financial statement analysis to budget forecasting.

Fortunately, AI offers new solutions for nearly every aspect of their work, allowing for streamlined operations and enhanced outcomes. By leveraging AI, finance teams can optimize decision-making processes and achieve maximum returns, transforming their overall performance.

Here are some examples:

#13 Datarails 

Datarails is an AI-powered software that automates financial reporting and planning by seamlessly integrating with familiar Excel spreadsheets and financial models. By eliminating time-consuming manual tasks, users can allocate more time to high-impact activities.

💬 “Helping us get better visibility into profitability by location / budget v actual analysis and understanding forecasts / scenarios. Analyses that took days to do in excel have been automated and can be done very quickly using Datarails in both dashboards and the Excel-plug in.” Jon P. on G2 

#14 Domo 

With a secure data foundation and user-friendly dashboards, Domo's cloud-native data experience platform enables users to make financial data visible and actionable. The software is powered by AI technologies like machine learning and natural language processing, which allows for quick and accurate decision making by delivering rapid insights. 

💬 “In the company that I worked for that used this, it was awesome to be able to have everyone have a login, and they could access all the data that they could ask. Also, the drill into capabilities was excellent for them to get to the underlying data.” Todd G. on G2

#15 Booke 

Booke is an AI-driven software for efficient bookkeeping. With automated tasks, error detection, and improved client collaboration, Booke streamlines different bookkeeping processes for increased efficiency. And the best thing? The more you use it, the more reliable and accurate it becomes.

#16 Planful 

Planful is a finance performance management software trusted by CFOs worldwide. With its cloud-based platform, users can streamline business-wide planning, budgeting, consolidations, reporting, and visual analytics. Planful empowers finance teams to optimize financial processes and gain valuable insights for informed decision-making.

💬 “Planful is allowing me to quickly access my P&L data in a very organized manner-- I appreciate being able to locate previous month's data on Planful rather than having to save it to my computer. This is especially helpful, since I travel constantly for work.” G2 review

Best AI software for cybersecurity

In an era where cyber threats loom large, having robust cybersecurity programs is paramount. 

From intelligent threat detection to proactive risk mitigation, these AI software solutions are the vanguard of safeguarding our interconnected world: 

#17 Crowdstrike 

Crowdstrike Falcon is an AI-powered security system trusted by businesses of all sizes. With its deep security expertise and advanced threat intelligence, Crowdstrike offers comprehensive protection against cyber threats. The system continuously monitors endpoint activity, analyzes user behavior, and detects anomalies or suspicious actions, ensuring proactive threat detection and response.

💬 “The platform is very mature and the services are too. They were helping us to implement the Crodstrike Falcon Enterprise for more than 50,000 endpoints in a short time, with a big customer, and very precise in how to carry out the project”. Tomas G. on G2

#18 IBM QRadar Suite  

IBM Security QRadar Suite is an AI-powered suite that unifies threat detection, response, and incident management. With its intuitive interface and flexible deployment options, its solutions simplify security operations across cloud environments. 

💬 “With the implementation of the solution, the adjustment of security policies has been drastically improved, as well as the monitoring and discarding of false positives in a faster and more efficient way.” Jonathan S. on G2  

#19 Darktrace 

Darktrace is another security solution that monitors and protects digital assets by detecting and preventing a wide range of cyber threats. With its self-learning capabilities (“AI loop”), it identifies abnormal behaviors and safeguards against insider threats, malware, data loss, and more. 

💬 “With a total support staff of 5 people for a community of 1000 users and close to 2500 devices Darktrace is an extra set of hands and eyes for our network 24/7 to protect and monitor areas of concern. Darktrace gives us visibility into our network and systems (especially with high school-aged students bringing personal devices onto campus).” Scott A. on G2

Best AI software for meetings

Gone are the days of tedious manual note-taking during meetings - AI software revolutionizes the way we capture and utilize meeting notes. 

There are many apps you can use to transcribe your meetings and transform the notes into a valuable resource - think searchability, contextual understanding, and insightful analysis. 

Here are my favorite:

#20 Otter AI

Otter is an AI software that captures real-time notes. With support for both in-person and virtual sessions on popular platforms like Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams, Otter seamlessly integrates into the workflows of any team. Once it is done recording, it allows users to collaborate on the transcribed content using the mobile or desktop versions of the software.

💬 “Otter allows me to focus on the more creative aspects of my work, such as writing profiles on people. I love interviewing individuals but transcribing the interviews is such a pain. Otter takes care of that for me!” Gray G. on G2  

#21 TL;DV 

TL;DV is another AI-powered meeting recorder for Zoom and Google Meet. Besides its recording capabilities, users can easily search for key moments and insights across their company's meetings using relevant keywords. It currently supports 30 languages.

💬 “Generating Transcripts and notes about meeting with the candidates, letting us checking back the conversation to prepare our reports. Much easier than recording and rewatching the entire video or audio.” Diego D. on G2  

#22 Colibri 

Colibri.ai is a live transcription and note-taking app that integrates with popular video conferencing tools like Zoom, Google Meet, MS Teams, Webex, and BlueJeans. It records online calls, provides real-time transcriptions, and generates concise searchable meeting notes for effective collaboration and productivity.

💬 “When prospecting, we're able to review a colibri transcription much faster than listening to a recording. When a lot of time passes between prospect calls, it's great to ramp up and remember the nuances of any call.” Mike W. on G2

Best AI software for logistics

Another field that will soon be radically changed by AI is logistics. 

Discover how intelligent algorithms can optimize every aspect of the supply chain, from route planning and warehouse management to demand forecasting and inventory optimization. 

#23 Builder AI   

Builder AI is an AI-powered software for building no-code logistics apps. By utilizing reusable blocks that encompass approximately 500 commonly needed features, users can tailor their app to specific requirements. The most common use cases are courier, stock management, and asset management apps.

💬 “Web/app development is a very fuzzy space where you can get completely different quotes for the same development from different agencies. Having the ability to break it down in terms of feature list is a big relief for customers like us.” Gaurav V. on G2 

#24 Transmetrics AI 

Transmetrics AI optimizes logistics planning and asset management through advanced predictive analytics and AI technology. By harnessing the synergy between humans and AI, users can achieve optimal operational efficiency and minimize the environmental footprint of logistics operations.

💬 “Thanks to Transmetrics we have been able to achieve full transparency across the network which helped us identify week spots and mitigate them. Additionally, we have been able to achieve great results in terms of capacity utilization and planning efficiency.” Pencho I. on Capterra

Best AI software for talent management

AI has also become a valuable ally in the realm of recruiting and talent management. With a plethora of AI software available on the market, organizations can leverage AI to automate candidate screening, analyze resumes, and identify top talents efficiently. 

#25 Eightfold 

The Talent Intelligence Platform by Eightfold AI enables users to enhance their workforce management processes, including talent retention, upskilling, reskilling, efficient recruitment, and achieving diversity goals. The platform is currently available in 155 countries and supports 24 languages.

💬 “I believe eightfold helps make your work day more efficient, allowing you to get more done and eliminate redundancy. I also like how it can identify Diversity candidates and assist with acheiving Diversity metrics and KPIs.” G2 user

#26 SeekOut 

SeekOut is a people-focused talent optimization platform that streamlines talent acquisition, management, and analytics for HR teams. With AI-supported features like SeekOut Assist, it generates personalized outreach messages based on candidate profiles and job requirements, leading to increased response rates and streamlining the recruitment process.

💬 “SeekOut helps us with finding diverse talent, and offering a way to see different search results than native Linkedin. This can lead to greater productivity, but also could help find additional qualified people not coming up from LinkedIn searching.” Carlos G. on G2

#27 Teamtailor 

Teamtailor is a comprehensive applicant tracking system for companies seeking to attract top talent, streamline hiring processes, and enhance employer branding. With features like automated triggers, anonymous hiring, GDPR compliance, and an interactive career site, recruiters and HR managers can optimize the candidate experience and efficiently manage multiple hiring processes in one place.

💬 “Teamtailor helps us manage recruitment processes and showcases our career opportunities. We collect, share and review applications, manage candidates and candidate communication.” Tomi M. on G2

Best AI software for code generation

AI software for code generation has emerged as a powerful tool, simplifying and accelerating the development process. Developers can now leverage AI to build models, automate repetitive coding tasks, generate complex code structures, and even offer suggestions for optimized solutions. 

Some of the most notable examples include: 

#28 GitHub copilot 

GitHub's Copilot is an AI-powered tool designed to enhance coding productivity. Trained on natural language text and public source code, it assists users in writing code more efficiently. By simply describing one’s intentions in everyday language, Copilot provides real-time suggestions for code snippets or entire functions.

💬 “It helps me in saving a lot of time as it suggests the beginning of the code and the functions and even the similar code which I was working to accomplish. It helps me provide the outcome according to clients' needs and on time.” Ameya B. on G2  

#29 Amazon AI code whisperer 

Another AI software for code generation comes from Amazon. Code Whisperer (as the name indicates) provides real-time code suggestions based on user comments and existing code. The pre-trained models are based on vast amounts of code, which means it can help with complex tasks as well. It’s free for individual use.

#30 IBM Watson Code Assistant

IBM Watson Code Assistant translates plain English into code, offering AI-generated recommendations for writing code. Powered by IBM Watson AI models, it brings IT automation to any organization, helping more users write code efficiently.

Generative AI software for writing

Remember all the time spent staring at the screen waiting for that “eureka” moment to happen? 

Well, writer's block is now a thing of the past.

AI software solutions for writing redefine the landscape of content creation, ushering in a new era of efficiency and creativity. ✍

#31 Notion 

Notion empowers users with AI-driven enhancements for effortless and polished written text generation.

Notion AI is an innovative addition to the Notion platform, offering users an AI-powered text generator and editor seamlessly integrated within the app. With this feature, users can effortlessly fix spelling and grammar errors, refine the voice and tone of their content, perform translations, and adjust the length of their text without needing to switch to external tools.

💬 “Notion AI is helping me save time by making the writing process faster. It also saves me money because I don't need to involve another person in repetitive tasks like adding emojis.” Maria Laura G. on G2 

#32 Writer 

Writer is an enterprise-focused AI writing tool designed to enhance content creation and writing across various departments. With its powerful generative AI capabilities, Writer learns from users' data and can be customized to align with different brand tones, styles, and workflows.

💬 “Writer helps me create better copywriting, and focus on my targeted audience. I'm able to more easily be aware of my writing style and quickly catch issues.” Laura G. on G2  

#33 Jasper

Jasper is an AI text generator for marketers. With a range of over 50 templates covering everything from blog posts to social media ads, Jasper utilizes the power of GPT-4 and industry best practices to assist users in creating compelling content. 

💬 “Jasper allows all my people to write in the voice I want my company to resonate with. We are trying to brand our company, and its voice, and Jasper allows my team to use pre-written prompts so Jasper can spin our words into our Brands voice!” Gabe S. on G2

#34 Grammarly 

Grammarly is an AI-powered writing assistant that uses machine learning and integrates seamlessly into your writing process. It offers real-time suggestions for grammar, spelling, punctuation, clarity, and style. 

💬 “The spell and grammar check built into Office has improved recently, but it is still not precise enough to pick up all errors. I can write faster because I spend less time focusing on making a perfect draft when Grammarly can cut my edit time drastically.” Harrison R. on G2

Best AI software for video creation and editing

As the world of video transitions from physical to digital, AI video software is gaining popularity. 📹 

video editing powered by AI opens up a realm of possibilities, allowing for the enhancement of existing footage and as well as generation of entirely new content. 

#35 Synthesia 

Synthesia is an AI video generator that uses AI to generate videos from text. The software currently offers 140+ realistic AI avatars and 120+ languages and accents.

Synthesia is an innovative AI video generator that allows users to create videos with realistic human presenters from text. With a wide selection of over 140 AI avatars modeled after real actors, it allows users to bring their words to life in more than 120 languages.

What sets this software apart from similar tools is the improving realism and expressivity of the avatars, which continues to evolve month by month.

💬 “Our biggest problem was coordinating schedules with our live talent to be able to be filmed in the studio...especially because many of the live talent didn't want to be videotaped and they would never make themselves available. Now, with Synthesia, we can have a "person" speaking to the audience whenever we need to create a video and not have to coordinate schedules.” Randy P. on G2 

#36 Pictory

Pictory is one of the best text-to-video converters that creates branded videos from text-based content. With various aspect ratios, millions of stock videos and images, and automatic English captions, it offers convenience and quality to businesses and individuals. 

💬 “Pictory removes the hassle of finding my own images, slides and music. The all-in-one platform that Pictory offers saves a lot of time. Also with its easy-to-understand AI functions, I can create videos with the least amount of time.” Jesper C. on G2

#37 Runway

Runway is a comprehensive AI software designed for effortless vide editing. With over 30 integrated AI features, it empowers users to enhance and transform their video footage with ease. Its most exciting feature is the recently released "Gen-2," which can generate videos from text input (text-to-video) or from another video as a source (video-to-video).

💬 “This app helps smoothen video editing process by providing color correction, VFX, masking and a lot more. A must-have app for every creator.” Jayati J. on G2

#38 InVideo  

InVideo is a user-friendly video creation tool that simplifies the process with customizable templates and AI-powered text-to-video conversion. It automatically adds relevant visuals and offers voiceover options in multiple languages. It is available on desktop and mobile.

💬 “We were looking for a video editing tool for editing our product explanation videos. We had already bought the LTD of invideo and we used it for editing the videos. It saved us a lot of time and effort. Today, we also use it sometimes for creating marketing material.” G2 user  

#39 Descript

Descript is an AI-powered video editing software that simplifies the editing process with features like automatic transcription, sound enhancement, and voice cloning. It also integrates comprehensive tools for writing, recording, transcribing, editing, collaborating, and sharing videos.

💬 “Descript not only makes the process of captioning so much quicker but also the live caption feature gives you so much more to make the video more engaging.” Kunal D. on G2 

Best AI software for image generation

One important branch of generative AI is image generation.

From concept visualization to design prototyping, the possibilities are vast, enabling users to achieve greater productivity, speed, and drive innovation across diverse industries.

#40 DALL-E

DALL-E is an advanced AI system by OpenAI that generates images based on text descriptions. It can create intricate compositions, make realistic edits to existing images, and consider factors such as shadows, reflections, and textures. Moreover, DALL-E can generate diverse variations inspired by a given image.

💬 “As a custom t-shirt printing business owner, using DALL-E 2 has helped me solve some problems in my business. Thanks to this app, I am able to create completely new and original designs that were not possible to do so easily before.” Jorge E. on G2

#41 Midjourney

Similar to DALL-E, Midjourney is an AI software that generates images based on natural language prompts. Users can simply describe what they want to see, and Midjourney brings those descriptions to life with unique and novel images.

💬 “I use Midjourney for building my mobile apps, mainly. Previously building an app with no art or any resources made by yourself was pretty tricky; you were limited in what kind of stuff you could create. When you improve your visuals as a developer, the ending result looks extraordinary compared to others.” G2 user 

#42 Stable Diffusion 

Stable Diffusion is a generative AI software that transforms text into images and modifies visuals through text-based prompts.

Stable Diffusion is another AI software that transforms text descriptions into vivid images. With a simple and accessible interface on their website, users can experiment with the software without any registration or payment requirements.

💬 “I can't really believe this is free. It's amazing how good these models are becoming. While I know I could host this myself, Dream Studio makes it easy to play around with these tools.” Michael S. on Product Hunt

Best AI software for translation and localization

In the past, localization and translation were labor-intensive manual processes. 

However, with the advent of AI, businesses can now automate and streamline these tasks, saving time and resources while maintaining high levels of accuracy.

Here are some of the best AI software solutions for localization and translation:

#43 Google Translate

We all know Google Translate, don't we? It was launched in 2006 and today it is a widely popular (and completely free) online translation service that utilizes machine learning and vast linguistic data to provide instant translations between different languages, making communication more accessible and convenient worldwide.

💬 “The platform is mainly used to understand a new language while communicating with our customers who can only speak their native language and also whenever I get certain content written in a language other than Hindi or English then I use Google Translate to understand it.” Amit K. on G2  

#44 DeepL 

DeepL is known for its exceptional accuracy and natural-sounding translations. It offers real-time translation in 30 languages and is available through web translator, browser extension, desktop, and mobile apps.

💬 “I like that you can click on a certain word and see different synonyms for it. You can easily modify the translation to use the vocabulary you want and make it sound natural.” Lindsey C. on G2  

#45 Phrase.com

The Phrase Localization Suite automates and manages content translation and localization using AI and machine translation. It also offers workflow management, AI-powered translation assistance, and integrates with 50+ software platforms, including Slack, Hubspot, Zapier and more. 

💬 “We have global applications with various language needs. Phrase allows us to organize the translations, see what we are missing, and enables our staff to quickly find and translate strings.” G2 user  

#46 Rask.ai 

Rask.ai is a video localization solution that supports 60 languages. It includes a range of features, including translation, dubbing, and voice cloning. One interesting feature is VoiceCloning, which generates authentic voices from the original video speakers that can be used for other purposes as well.

💬 “It is a great addition to the market, particularly for those who create video content for a global audience. This can be a huge time saver for us - content creators who would otherwise need to hire professional voice actors and translators to achieve the same result.” ProductHunt user

#47 Lokalise.com

Lokalise AI is an automated localization and translation platform that offers contextual translation, alternative variants, rephrasing, and concise adaptations. It is primarily used for web apps, customer service, documents, mobile apps, games, and marketing assets that need to reach audiences in different countries.

💬 “Our product is sold across Europe, and it's essential we cater to local markets. Lokalise makes it easy to translate your product into multiple languages, and the translation memory and history ensures consistency.” Jennifer H. on G2  

Generative AI software for speech generation

Still not sure how businesses can benefit from AI text-to-speech software? 

Let us name just a few benefits: accessibility, multilingual support, localization, enhanced user experience, personalization… 

Here are some of the best AI voice generators you can use for lifelike speech synthesis: 

#48 Murf  

Murf is a synthetic voice generator that can be used in two ways: users can generate voices from text or upload their voice recordings and modify them. It currently supports 120 voices in 20 languages.

💬 “We need some voice overs for a few low budget explainer videos that sound convincingly real. The voices have been good enough when overlaid with music tracks to serve this purpose.” Nathan A. on G2 

#49 WellSaid Studio  

WellSaid is another text-to-speech software, but this one only supports English. It enables seamless voiceover creation, editing, and content updates for teams. Additionally, companies can develop custom voices for branded content.

💬 “Well Said is solving the problem of getting narration for my videos without having to hire expensive voice coaches. I am much more productive, using this software, and it only takes a little bit of time to edit the output to my specifications.” John L. on G2

#50 Descript Overdub  

Descript Overdub is a professional tool that enables users to create highly realistic text-to-speech models of their own voices or choose from a library of 12 ultra-realistic stock voices. 

💬 “The integrated transcription function is really useful and the Overdub feature is very cool for being able to make edits without re-recording and splicing in audio.” Beau R. on Capterra

What’s your favorite artificial intelligence software?

So, there you have it — a handpicked collection of 50 remarkable artificial intelligence software.

As we look ahead, it's evident that AI will play a dominant role in shaping the future, revolutionizing industries across the board. 

With new AI software emerging on a daily basis, we will continually monitor and expand this list to ensure it remains up-to-date in this dynamic realm. 🔎

Until next time, this might also be of interest:


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