How To Create High-Converting Testimonial Videos (Examples Included)

Written by
Elly Henriksen
Published on
September 16, 2024
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You can claim, promise, and guarantee, but only the testimonials from happy customers can prove to potential customers that you're telling the truth about your services.

Almost all prospective customers look for online reviews or testimonials before purchasing.

Phrases like, "You HAVE to try this!" are no longer convincing enough. Anyone could have written them. A video testimonial, by contrast, attaches a face, a voice, subtle visual cues, and a powerful call to action to the testimonial, making it all the more credible and effective.

In this blog post, you'll discover how to create high-converting video testimonials with confidence and minimal resources.

What makes testimonial videos so effective?

A video testimonial is a recorded short clip of a real customer talking about a big pain point and the solution they found in a product or service. Often published on a company's website, these videos particularly drive conversions when customers upload them on their social media profiles. For example, on TikTok, 84% of users watch video ads and reviews made by influencers.

Did you know? 🤔

90% of the information that gets to the brain is visual, and the human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text.

Video testimonials can be more effective than any other social proof because our brains decipher images faster than text. Your brain sees words as individual images, and when reading, it needs to work overtime to translate those words into mental images. By contrast, watching a video testimonial doesn't require this step, which makes it feel faster and more satisfying.

Seeing the real faces of satisfied customers in videos also makes video testimonials feel more authentic. This leads to an increase in emotional connection, which is a fantastic leading indicator of conversion, as some studies show just 20% of a buying decision is logical, and 80% is emotional.

The step-by-step process to ask customers for a video testimonial

People often get nervous about talking on camera about their success story, especially if they don't know what a video testimonial involves. But if you want to start collecting testimonial videos, you can use a tactful approach that will ease their worries and get closer to a "yes." Here's how.

Step 1: Choose the right time

Timing is key. It's better to ask after a recent positive experience with your product or service. This could be after successful project completion, a positive customer service interaction, or when they've expressed satisfaction either verbally or via email.

Step 2: Personalize the request

Make your video testimonial request personal. Call them by their name and mention the specific product or service they used. This shows that you value them and know their history with your brand. It feels much more genuine than a generic request.

It's also good practice to prepare the questions in advance to keep your testimonial focused and insightful. You can include these questions in your initial outreach so that cusomers know what they're saying yes to. Here are a few examples of what you might ask in your video testimonials:

  • What problem were you trying to solve with our product/service?
  • What made our product/service stand out among options?
  • What has made you the happiest about working with us?
  • How did your life change after you started using our product/service?

Step 3: Send a video yourself

Instead of calling, send an email with a video. This way, they won't feel pressured to respond immediately, and they might even have an idea of what a video testimonial involves.

Make sure they know that the video content will be shared with other potential customers on a dedicated landing page or on social media. Also, remind them that there's no pressure to participate and that their value as customers stays the same regardless of whether they agree to show up on camera.

Step 4: Show examples of video testimonials

Seeing a great customer testimonial video can make the task feel more manageable. It helps your happy customers understand the format and content, reducing hesitation and anxiety about what to say in their video testimonials.

Step 5: Follow up politely

If you don't get a response, follow up politely. Gently remind them of your request and explain why these video testimonials are important to you. 

As tempting as it might be, avoid offering incentives. You want honest feedback and unbiased opinions that provide all the details so that the testimonial feels natural and authentic.

The secrets to getting quality testimonial videos from your customers

When it comes to creating video testimonials, there are a few different ways to get a great recording. The big secret is to find a format that fits best with your customers.

When requesting video testimonials, you can choose from 4 formats: in-person, self-recorded, video call, and AI video.

1. In-person, professionally filmed interviews

This will produce the most professional quality video testimonials. They are great for high-ticket sales, case studies, and general marketing efforts.

Like with any professionally filmed video, there are also higher costs for equipment and camera crew, logistical challenges like scheduling and travel, and a lower number of customers willing to invest in the effort.

Tips for in-person video testimonials:

  • Help the interviewee feel comfortable in front of the camera. Have a friendly chat before filming, and explain the filming process. Techniques like continuous filming will help you create natural and genuine-feeling video testimonials.
  • Good lighting and clear audio are essential. Position the camera at eye level and ensure the lighting is soft and flattering.
  • Ask questions and encourage conversation. Allow the interviewee to talk and ramble. This is where you often get the best, most authentic content. Provide encouragement and positive feedback to keep them comfortable and confident.
  • In your video edit, include context about who the client is and why their testimonial matters. This adds credibility and relatability to the final video. Make sure the final cut is polished but still feels natural.

2. Self-recorded testimonials

Having customers record their own testimonial videos is cost-effective and convenient. It allows you to rapidly gather testimonials faster than if you had to record them professionally. However, if you have less quality control, potential technical issues might occur. You also have fewer ways to support and encourage your customers to answer questions naturally.

Tips for self-recorded video testimonials:

  • Check that your customers have suitable recording equipment. You can even improve the quality of testimonials by offering to buy or rent equipment like a phone tripod and ring light.
  • Give crystal clear instructions on setting up the camera, positioning themselves, and ensuring good lighting and sound quality. A detailed guide on at-home filming setups or a video tutorial can be very helpful.
  • Offer remote support by discussing the questions with them in advance over the phone and answering any questions.
  • If your customer is confused or struggling with the questions, encourage them just to tell their story or recap their buying experience. An unstructured approach sometimes gives you surprisingly strong stories and examples.

3. Video call testimonials

A video call testimonial can be held using any video conferencing software such as Zoom or Google Meets. You and your customer simply hop on a call and record the interview. These are great when a self-recorded interview feels like too much of an ask or if your customers is struggling to find the time to record one.

Tips for video call testimonials:

  • Ask your customer to sit at a quiet place with clear audio and good lighting so their faces are visible and expressions are clear. Natural light or soft diffused artificial light works best so doing a video call during the day (vs at night) is a great idea.
  • Genuine reactions and stories come out when the interviewee feels supported and at ease. Video calls should feel more like a conversation than a strict question-and-answer format. Don't be afraid to ask clarifying questions like, "You said it was easy to get started. Can you unpack what that looked like for you in practice?"
  • You want to maximize the time your customers are talking, so when you ask a question, mute your mic while they talk so you get the best audio possible.
  • So you never get to the end of a call and realize that you've forgotten to hit record, make sure your video conferencing software is set to record automatically.

4. AI video testimonials

AI can take text and turn it into video. What that means it that you could turn your written testimonials into video testimonials with just a few clicks. Using an AI video maker like Synthesia, you can also select an AI avatar and custom voice to add a face to the words. Synthesia is also a great option when you want to translate testimonials, as it supports over 170 languages.

AI video testimonials can be customer-facing as part of an integrated marketing strategy, but the're most often used for training purposes. Check example #5 below to see what that looks like in practice.

Tips for AI video testimonials:

  • Select AI avatars that are culturally diverse to appeal to a broad customer base.
  • Because AI videos aren't recorded, you don't have to worry about cameras or equipment. Instead, invest more time into editing and polishing your final result.

What are some powerful customer testimonial video examples?

Before gathering customer testimonial videos, it's helpful to see what works well. Look at examples of engaging video testimonials to get inspired and notice what moves people closer to buying.

With a clear image in mind, you can plan your own video testimonials and guide your customers to make the process stress-free for them. Here are some enticing examples of customer testimonial videos worth checking out:

Example 1: Heineken Global Manager's service recommendation

This testimonial video from Heineken shows Frank, the Global Manager, dressed casually in an office setting. He shares his experience with Synthesia in a friendly, relatable manner. 

Synthesia x Heineken | Testimonial

He introduces himself, mentioning his Dutch accent and his role in Heineken's digitalization efforts. Then, he talks about his dislike for traditional PowerPoints, humorously calling them "poison points," and explains how Synthesia changed his approach, emphasizing the tool's key benefits.

The video testimonial is visually engaging, with scenes of Frank working on his laptop, interacting with colleagues, and showcasing Synthesia in action. The upbeat background music keeps the energy high, making the testimonial enjoyable to watch. 

Frank compares his pre-Synthesia work to "Mission: Impossible" and post-Synthesia to "Bruce Almighty," conveying that anything is possible with the tool. By sharing his personal experience, he builds trust and credibility. Plus, his role at Heineken adds authority to his endorsement, making the strong CTA at the end of the video testimonial more convincing.

What we like about this customer testimonial video:

  • Combines authenticity, clear benefits, visual appeal, and emotional connection in just over a minute. 
  • Frank's friendly demeanor, relatable anecdotes, and the practical advantages he shares make this a compelling example of how a video testimonial can successfully promote a product.

Example 2: Slack client video testimonial

This testimonial from Sandwich Video Inc. features Adam, the company's founder, and various employees sharing their transition to Slack. 

"So Yeah, We Tried Slack …"

The twist is that Sandwich Video, initially reluctant to use Slack, quickly became enthusiastic users. This evolution of the narration adds unique credibility, demonstrating real-life impact and making it a pretty convincing endorsement.

We get to see additional scenes with employees in diverse roles talking about their pain points and specifically praising Slack's features, like integration with other tools and mobile access, which highlights its practical benefits. 

At the same time, the relaxed, conversational tone and chill background music make the video relatable and enjoyable.

What we like about this video testimonial:

  • The visual storytelling, with scenes of employees at work and animated text boxes showing their Slack messages, keeps viewers engaged and illustrates the app's functionality. 
  • While it starts with a humorous tone, the shift towards seriousness is obvious and nudges viewers to take Slack seriously as well.

Example 3: Antisel new hire's take on the onboarding process

This testimonial video from Christos Karasoulis, an Import-Export Specialist at Antisel, is a powerful example. Christos's authenticity shines through as he speaks casually and genuinely about his experience. He's relaxed and offers a natural delivery with an authentic perspective, making his words more credible.

Reaction: Employee onboarding video made with Synthesia STUDIO

The elements of surprise and delight are key in this video testimonial. Christos describes his initial expectations and how they were surpassed by the personalized AI video, transforming his first-day anxiety into excitement. This emotional shift he talks about proves the practical benefits of Synthesia's technology in easing new employee transitions.

Finally, the video testimonial effectively demonstrates the product's value. By showing the onboarding video that impressed Christos, viewers can see firsthand the type of engaging and informative video Synthesia can create. They don't have to take Christos' word for it.

What we like about this video testimonial:

  • The combination of personal experience and visual demonstration makes it impactful and memorable.
  • Hearing directly from Antisel's employee adds a layer of authenticity and relatability, showing Synthesia's real-world impact through the eyes of an end-user.

Example 4: Dove client testimonial video

In this emotional and powerful video testimonial for Dove, customer Molly Burke makes a powerful case for the company with a strong dose of authenticity and reliability.

Consumer Testimonial - Dove - Molly Burke

Molly isn't your regular, real person sharing her experience with the Dove brand. She is blind, and she shares her personal journey with retinitis pigmentosa, making her story genuinely compelling. Her detailed description of how she navigates the world through touch adds a unique and profound perspective.

The video testimonial emphasizes the sensory experience. Molly's detailed reaction to Dove's body wash, noting its light, fluffy texture and moisturizing feel, highlights the product's qualities in a memorable way.

What makes this a great testimonial video:

  • Molly's inspiring story and explanation of how she experiences beauty without sight promotes Dove's products and resonates deeply with viewers, enhancing brand loyalty. 
  • The combination of authenticity, sensory focus, and emotional storytelling makes it a unique testimonial that sheds tears and wins some new customers.

Example 5: A selection of testimonials from grocery shoppers

This interactive video features customer testimonials from grocery shoppers. What's not so obvious at first sight, however, is that the shoppers are not real persons but AI avatars (digital doubles of real actors). The video was made with Synthesia, a tool that uses generative AI to convert plain text into video and was then edited using the authoring tool Articulate 360. 

Example: Grocery customer testimonials

(You can test the full interactive video experience here.)

The result is an interactive video experience with a structured flow and navigational options, perfect for training sales and customer support reps. If you have written testimonials or reviews from customers, you can turn them into engaging AI videos like this one that your reps can go through and learn from.

What we like about this testimonial video

  • The interactivity elements make it more engaging and increase information retention in training contexts.
  • As an AI-generated video, it's super easy to edit, update, translate in other languages, or change its script to adjust it to different learning contexts.
  • It can serve as a base for turning all your written testimonials into video training materials.

Create professional video testimonials with AI

If you have short clips of your happy customers sharing their experiences with your company, you can easily compile them into professional-looking testimonial videos using the AI video maker Synthesia.

Synthesia comes with a wide selection of video templates. You just pick one and upload footage or images with your customers. Then, you can even add your own narration (it easily turns text into video) and create unique testimonial videos that look outstanding and can be shared everywhere online.

Use this free AI video generator to see how Synthesia instantly generates videos from plain text.


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